Location: Gudi LGA

Date: 2022


Client: Africa Development Bank / Nasarawa State Government

With the concerted drive to achieve food security in Africa, especially considering issues such as climate change and pandemic related disruptions amongst others, the need to identify or initiate, sustainably develop, and drive all stages and components of the agro-value chain is now a core priority for FDI instruments and institutions. Special Agro Processing Zones (SAPZs) are an institutional framework that allow for the sustainable and integrated development of the agro-value chain, facilitating climate smart agricultural practices, and effectively harnessing the potentials in primary and secondary produce; including processing and packaging amongst others. The Nasaarawa SAPZ, located at Gudi is designed to be one of such. The planning of the Gudi Park was preceded by an extensive investigation of (potential) Agro-Transformation Centers (ATCs) and Rural Transformation Centers (RTCs) to identify and assess potential aggregation centers for established and /or recommended crops, with local farmers associations and LGA providing framework guidance. The resultant infrastructure survey visited 12 proposed RTC locations spread across six Local Government Areas. An assessment matrix was used to manage this process. The resultant SAPZ masterplan in this case seeks to maximize the useability of the identified 206Ha site across the Processing and Non-Processing Zones. With a number of plot-sizes, arrangements, and use-types, connectivity corridors planned in response to identified constraints and development parameters.